I hail from what was once the ranch country of the north, from the shadows of the devil's mountain, a little city called "Concord." However, I was born and have most of my golden childhood memories in Oakland. How I love the scent of Eucalyptus and Bay Laurel, and the damp redwood forests of the San Francisco Bay Area's hills and mountains!
Ah, and the old, weather-beaten and pitted cement sidewalks and architectural remnants of two generations ago...
I am currently a Graphic Design major working on my last handful of classes to graduate.
I'll get my little BA, and then, it's OFF TO DO SOMETHING AMAZING!
I'm not sure what it is yet, but it will most definitely be amazing.
I love trees, sandcastles, granite, fog, kites, old lamp posts, wood grain and all decorative woodwork, duct tape, Innova SuperNova frisbees, baking, sewing, and etymology.
I have been journaling my dreams since the third grade (the dreams I can remember after waking) and am working on transposing those images from my memory files and written files to pictoral and sculptural representations.

I would like to take this moment to mention something that is very important to my heart.

I'll try to use as much PlayDough as I can in class. 10 points